Gen Z youngsters spend too much time chasing 'get rich quick' side hustles while finding their primary jobs a bore.
A series of studies have found the generation admits to being less ambitious - but youngsters moan their elders are giving them a tough time.
According to new research,millions of Gen Z spend their days 'chasing an easy fix' rather than working hard at their primary jobs.
James McNeil,37,the founder of Leicestershire car company Ready2Lease,said it was a 'given' that people with side hustles would focus more on that than their primary jobs.
He told MailOnline: 'I had a couple of guys who had other things going on. One of them was a music producer on the side,the other made oven gloves.
Youth worker Rianne Rennalls,24,(pictured) said many Gen Z she encountered had a 'lack of hope'
She said Gen Z youngsters she encountered had a 'lack of hope' and 'imposter syndrome'.
'They come with no idea of what they want to do in the future.
'McDonald's [has] helped. They have been giving us a safe space - showing the young people there are other options.
'We need to give [young people] more support.
She said in her experience,many young people flocked to McDonald's to meet their friends after school.
McDonald's website says anybody can apply to work at the chain even if they don't have any qualifications.
Even so,Rianne was delighted that the chain was also offering work experience to some of the youngsters hanging out at the restaurants,although she was unsure whether the chain was paying them.
The chain has launched an initiative that will connect all of its restaurants connected to youth centres and fund 500 youth work qualifications.
Rianne added: 'We want to best [young people's] ambition. It's inspiring them.'
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