Realize the Dream,launched on MLK Day 2024,will create 100 million hours of community service by the 100th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr.\'s birth in 2029
ManufacturingJan 16, 2025SHANGHAI,Jan. 15,2025-- VALORANT Champions Tour CN (VCT CN),the top VALORANT esports tournament in China,kicked off its new season in Shanghai on January 11th. The star-studded tournament is being hos
ManufacturingJan 16, 2025In the heart of Rift Valley, located about 10 kilometers from Nakuru county in west Kenya, the country's first geothermal power plant built with 100 percent Chinese technologies, the 35-megawatt (MW) Sosian geothermal power plant, has been running for more than a year.
ManufacturingDec 27, 2024GDIN CEO Jongkap Kim: "By matching technology needs with local markets,we create long-lasting joint ventures with multiple exit opportunities."
ManufacturingDec 25, 2024HONG KONG,Dec. 24,2024-- In this era where everything is connected,reliable communication networks have become more than just a service provided by operators; they are the key to linking the entire ec
ManufacturingDec 25, 2024SYDNEY,Dec. 24,2024-- Australia\'s social media ban for under 16\'s is a revolutionary step in internet regulation,and highlights an opportunity for the online casino industry to prioritise safe and
ManufacturingDec 25, 2024BEIJING,Dec. 24,2024-- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) successfully hosted the Western China MBA Professor Training Program in collaboration with the China National MBA Education Super
ManufacturingDec 25, 2024English Morning News: Your Source for Regional News and Corporate
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